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Специфікація батарейок Sieko (Seizaiken, Seiko Instruments (H. K.) Ltd)

Специфікація батарейок Sieko (Seizaiken, Seiko Instruments (H. K.) Ltd)

Seizaiken Silver Oxide Battery

High Quality

SII's mercury-free silver oxide batteries are manufactured in a high-tech clean room environment in a newly constructed factory. This facility was specifically designed for the manufacturing of ultra precision electronic devices and incorporates all new equipment. Within the clean room environment SII has eliminated contamination allowing us to ensure consistent quality.

Advanced Technology

Until recently, a small amount of mercury was included in the chemical compound of the silver oxide battery to suppress the possible generation of hydrogen gas should the zinc-based negative electrode corrode. If this hydrogen gas is generated, leakage resistance and storage stability of the battery will deteriorate and a possibility of swelling may occur.
SII developed and incorporated the following two technologies in our no mercury added silver oxide batteries:

  1. Use of high-corrosion resistance zinc alloy
  2. Addition of a high performance inhibitor in the electrolyte

No Mercury & No Lead Added

According to the European Union (EU) battery directive, the marketing of batteries containing more than 0.0005% of mercury by weight is prohibited due to mercury's hazardous effects on human health and our environment. Coin cell batteries including silver oxide batteries, that have been exempt from this prohibition, will also be prohibited from October, 2015. SII had already achieved this "reducing environmental burden challenge" with our SEIZAIKEN mercury free/Pb free silver oxide battery. SII provides safety and security production from all the way to final consumption.



The introduction and adoption of new technologies made it possible to avoid using mercury and lead, which are environmentally harmful.

Excellent leakage resistance

Other than eliminating the need for mercury in the compound, these batteries are manufactured to have excellent leakage resistance attained by our newly developed crimping structure. This is made possible by our new high-performance machinery manufacturing and process.

High reliability

Production in our high precision clean room environment thoroughly prevents contamination – resulting in the most consistent, highest reliability battery.

Cross-Reference Chart


SEIZAIKEN SEIKO SONY MAXELL PANASONIC TOSHIBA UCAR No. Eveready Renata Ray-Ovac Duracell Varta Timex Bulova Citizen Orient I. E. C.
SR512SW 335         280-68    
SR516SW 317   V317 CA 616 280-58 080-D55 SR62
SR521SW 379 D379 ¡¡ V379   618 280-59 080-D39 SR63
SR527SW 319         280-60    
SR616SW 321 D321 V321 DA 611 280-73   SR65
SR621SW 364 D364 V364 T 602 280-34 080-D29 SR60
SR626SW 377 D377 V377 BA 606 280-39   SR66
SR712SW 346         280-66    
SR716SW 315 D315 V315 HA 614 280-56 080-D54 SR67
SR721SW 362 D362 V362 S 601 280-29 080-D22 SR58
SR726SW 397 D397 V397 N 607 280-28 080-D20 SR59
SR41SW 384 D384 V384   247 280-18 080-D01 SR41
SR916SW 373 D373 V373   617 280-45 080-D40 SR68
SR920SW 371 D371 V371   605 280-31 080-D30 SR69
SR927SW 395 D395 V395   610 280-48 080-D33 SR57
SR1120SW 381 D381 V381   317 280-27 080-D14 SR55
SR626W 376   V376         SR66
SR721W 361 D361   X   280-53 080-D32 SR58
SR726W 396 D396 V396 V 612 280-52   SR59
SR41W 392 D392 V392 K 247B 280-13 080-D05 SR41
SR920W 370 D370   Z   280-51   SR69
SR927W 399 D399 V399 W 613 280-44 080-D19 SR57
SR1120W 391 D391 V391 L 609 280-30 080-D28 SR55



  Modle No. Electrical Characteristics(at Room Temperature Dimensions Weight(g) UCAR No. C. C. V.*(TYP.) Storage loss(MAX)(%/Y)
Nominal Voltage(V) Nominal Capacity Maximum Drain(mA) Diameter(mm) Висота(mm) +24° C(V) -10° C(V)
Low Drain SR416SW 1.55 7.5 0.8 4.80 1.65 0.12 - 1.35 1.10 7
SR421SW 12 2.15 0.16 -
SR512SW 5.5 5.80 1.25 0.14 335 1.45 1.15
SR516SW 12.5 1.65 0.20 317 1.10
SR521SW 16 2.15 0.25 379 1.20
SR527SW 22 2.70 0.31 319
SR616SW 15 6.80 1.65 0.24 321
SR621SW 23 2.15 0.33 364
SR626SW 30 2.60 0.38 377
SR712SW 11 7.90 1.25 0.25 346
SR716SW 21 1.65 0.34 315
SR721SW 28 2.10 0.44 362
SR726SW 34 2.60 0.53 397
SR41SW 45 3.60 0.69 384
SR916SW 27 9.50 1.65 0.55 373
SR920SW 46 2.05 0.66 371
SR927SW 55 2.70 0.82 395
SR1120SW 53 11.60 2.05 0.98 381
High Drain SR626W 1.55 28 8 6.8 2.60 0.36 376 1.35 1.05 7
SR721W 1.55 26 8 7.9 2.10 0.41 361 1.05
SR726W 1.55 34 8 7.9 2.60 0.53 396
SR41W 1.55 45 8 7.9 3.60 0.69 392 1.15
SR920W 1.55 42 10 9.5 2.05 0.56 370 1.40 1.10
SR927W 1.55 53 10 9.5 2.70 0.77 399 1.05
SR1120W 1.55 15 11.6 2.05 0.94 391 1.40 1.20


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